Privacy Policy

Dear Customer or User,

The store management commits to the following:

1. No disclosure or revelation of any personal information about the customers registered with us, whether it be name, location, or any access proof, to any governmental, local, legal, or customary authority.
2. No one can access, use, exchange, or view your subscription information except for the store management.
3. We use global protection systems within official contracts with penalty clauses between the store management and the protection service provider to prevent fraud, electronic theft, or access to any customer information.
4. We provide and use internationally and locally recognized secure payment methods to ensure the security of your banking data during payment.
5. We acknowledge and affirm that it is not possible to know or attempt to know the customer’s bank card information, and even the store management cannot access it. Therefore, we want to instill confidence in our subscribers, as your security is our responsibility.
6. We do not interfere with or manipulate the subscriber’s subscription data unless there is an explicit request from the subscription owner for technical support to intervene and modify as per the subscriber’s wish.

We are pleased and honored to inform you, and thank you for understanding.

Terms and Conditions of Use

1. I am an adult and have reached the legal age of majority in my country of residence.
2. I have no objection to using an IPTV subscription and understand what I am saying and reading.
3. I have the authority or permission to pay using the electronic card that was used to pay the fees (for those under 18 or the legal age, or if the payment was made with a card not belonging to you).
4. I have been informed that some content in some available packages contains directly offensive audiovisual materials.
5. I understand and acknowledge that what I will watch and use from applications falls under my personal freedom, and I am solely responsible for my choices and bear all legal and customary consequences.

Additional Terms:

By subscribing through the store to any package containing audiovisual content, you acknowledge that you have read the above terms and conditions and agree to them, and that you are over 18 or the legal age. Even if you are under the legal age in your country of residence, this means you have obtained consent from your guardians or decision-makers on your behalf, were asked for consent, and voluntarily agreed to the subscription, indicating that you are authorized and allowed to use online payment methods through the store. You have no objection if the material displayed or part of it contains offensive content or is above the legal age in your country of residence, and accordingly, you have agreed to the subscription.

Thank you.